This research work covers the impact of the public library services to the people of Kaduna State. It examines the views of the users toward the services rendered by the library, the type of services offered and also how satisfactory the users are with the services. The survey design was adopted in this study and methods used collecting data included questionnaire, observation and interview.
From the analysis, it was revealed that students are the majority users of the library and they mostly users of the library and they mostly visit the library to read their lecture notes. The findings also showed that the library lack current information materials and operates a closed access service which does not allow users to borrow books. Other findings were the problems facing the library such as inadequate funding. Outdated materials and poor infrastructures.
Recommendations were made based on their findings in order to improve the services of the library. These include sourcing for finds from public and private organizatio0ns, procurement of current and relevant information materials and introduction of Information and Communication Technologies in the library administration.
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